
_MGL8235Tony Brooks

Tony Brooks (Msc, BA, BSc, APC, IPPA) is a Leadership Coach, Trainer and Business Mentor with a proven track record in delivering strong results. He is also an academic in Psychology, an author on Leadership and a Speaker.

Tony is committed to utilising his expertise on positive mindset and experience of managing rapid growth to assist and support other business leaders and organisations to maximise their potential. Tony has over 25 years’ experience as a business leader, followed by over 8 years developing his own successful business since 2007. He has an enviable record of significantly raising the performance of business leaders and their people, delivering profitable growth year on year, bringing innovation, sales and marketing strategy and improved service delivery.

Tony has held a senior position in an international company where he was accountable for a £7M account, was part of the board succession plans and a leading strategist for the company.

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