
books-676420_640We all have our own unique ideas, experience and perspectives to share and publishing can be a fantastic way to share your knowledge and raise your profile. Writing a book can be a daunting experience but if you’ve got a story inside you tell, that is reason enough to get it out! Even the most established writers will get lost occasionally but it doesn’t have to be a struggle. Here are some of our top tips to help you on your way to reaching your dream of being a published author…

DO have a clear goal in mind from the start of the project

Consider who your audience will be and make sure you write with them in mind. You should also consider how many copies you will need and have a budget in mind from the beginning.

DO write a skeleton first

You probably remember from English lessons that ‘planning is key’. Starting with a skeleton or outline of your ideas or the story you want to tell will help keep you on track and stop you from losing the plot – literally!

DON’T be too hard on yourself

There will be enough critics out there waiting to do this for you. Self-belief is key to getting your work finished.

DO write who you are, not who you think you should be

Don’t worry about what else is already out there and whether you should be more like other writers. Let your own voice shine through, the best person to tell your story is you!

DO check your work

Reading your work aloud can help you check the sentence structure and wording – if you’re tripping over anything, your readers probably will too. It’s also important to proof read for spelling, grammar and punctuation. Once you’ve checked everything yourself, ask a friend, family member or professional proofreader to help make sure your manuscript is in the best shape it can be.

DON’T write to make money

Disappointing as it sounds, unless you’ve got the next Harry Potter series, you aren’t going to suddenly make millions with your book. Write because you want to. Write because you have something to say. Write to make yourself and your business known, then look on any extra income you do earn as a bonus.

DO set targets and small goals to help you reach them

Setting yourself manageable goals, such as a chapter a month will help make your bigger aim of a finished novel more achievable. Consider how much time you have available to write uninterrupted, how much you will need to edit and make this a part of your planning.


And finally…

DON’T give up!

Nothing happens overnight but as long as you follow the tips above, you’ll be reaching your publishing goals in no time!