I am proud to work with incredible female authors who bring unique stories, insights, and perspectives to the world of publishing. In honour of International Women’s Day, I am spotlighting some of the talented women I’ve had the privilege to publish. Women Who Write,...
We all have our own unique ideas, experience and perspectives to share and publishing can be a fantastic way to share your knowledge and raise your profile. Writing a book can be a daunting experience but if you’ve got a story inside you tell, that is reason enough to...
The Importance Of Being An Expert Would you want a snooker player to perform brain surgery on you? Probably not, even though they both involve, skill, nerve, strategy – and a steady pair of hands. While unskilled jobs, by definition, can be learned quickly and...
5 Useful Tips to Help You Publish Your Fiction By Buck James Writing fiction can be an extremely rewarding experience. There is nothing quite like crafting a story with characters that seem to jump off of the page. Connecting with readers should always be a major...