
Reflections From The White Tunnel


On 18 March 1999, Phil Olley woke up on a pavement, surrounded by paramedics. He had died. And been brought back to life. He remembers having the full white-tunnel experience. This book is the connection between that experience and the work he has done ever since; working with people to improve their level of success in business, in their careers, and in every aspect of their life. The book is designed for those who – want to change the way they are living and the results they are getting. – believe there’s got to be a better way of living than what they are currently doing. – are aware there’s an untapped potential they want to uncover in their own lives. – are imaginative, creative, intelligent enough to realise that growth is essential, change is essential, and that it’s no good settling for a life way below that which you are truly capable of. It’s also for those who are fascinated by the near-death experience and who want to draw lessons and insights from such events, in the search to understand their significance and make sense of life.



About the Author

Phil went into business 1990 after leaving his first love and the point of interest of life for many years, an exciting military career. In 1999 Phil collapsed and for a brief time died, this forced him to re-evaluate his life. After some soul searching he made up our minds to combine his wide experience of leadership, business and sales to create his performance coaching practice. He began working with plenty of businesses and individuals to help them set goals, generate peak performance and grow their businesses. Phil quickly became a sought-after inspirational international speaker. Phil is no stranger to the media, has written articles and columns for magazines, is steadily quoted in the national press, has often appeared on BBC radio, and has contributed to prime-time TV programmes.

On 18 March 1999, Phil Olley woke up on a pavement, surrounded by paramedics. He had died. And been brought back to life. He remembers having the full white-tunnel experience. This book is the connection between that experience and the work he has done ever since; working with people to support their level of success in business, in their careers, and in every aspect of their life. The book is designed for individuals who – need to change the way they are living and the results they are getting. – consider there’s got to be a better way of living than what they are currently doing. – are aware there’s an untapped potential they need to uncover in their own lives. – are imaginative, creative, intelligent enough to realise that growth is essential, change is essential, and that it’s no good settling for a life way below that which you are in point of fact capable of. It’s also for individuals who are fascinated by the near-death experience and who need to draw lessons and insights from such events, in the search to understand their significance and make sense of life.
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