The write idea

The write idea

Before you comment and tell me, yes I deliberately chose the wrong “right”! The reason for this, well, yes it helps SEO but also I want to get you thinking and so I gave you a subliminal message about writing… clever stuff eh? 😉 I thought as...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Publishing

We all have our own unique ideas, experience and perspectives to share and publishing can be a fantastic way to share your knowledge and raise your profile. Writing a book can be a daunting experience but if you’ve got a story inside you tell, that is reason enough to...
Independently Good

Independently Good

Over the last 10 years, the growth in independently and self-published books has grown enormously. In fact between 2014 – 2016 the Big 5 traditional publishers accounted for less than a quarter of Ebook purchases on Amazon, while indies closed in on 45%. Which when...
How To Format For ebook

How To Format For ebook

Now, in a former life, I was an accredited trainer of all things Microsoft® and the biggest revelation to me was how poorly prepared people were when given a PC and expected to “get on with it”. We wouldn’t let a welder just weld, but we let an administrator just...

LBF 2017

You may remember that last year I exhibited at the London Book Fair (LBF), this year however I decided to attend the 3 days as a visitor and discover more about the industry. I think it’s fair to say that it was just as exhausting!  However it was a fantastic...
The Importance Of Presenting Yourself as an Expert

The Importance Of Presenting Yourself as an Expert

The Importance Of Being An Expert Would you want a snooker player to perform brain surgery on you?  Probably not, even though they both involve, skill, nerve, strategy – and a steady pair of hands.  While unskilled jobs, by definition, can be learned quickly and...

The Write People

As you may know, last week I attended the London Book Fair.  To be honest I had a fair amount of trepidation on the days running up to it, for a sole proprietor that was a lot of expense, time and energy – so was it worth it? I can honestly say that it was. I...
The Importance Of Presenting Yourself as an Expert

5 Useful Tips to Help You Publish Your Fiction

5 Useful Tips to Help You Publish Your Fiction By Buck James Writing fiction can be an extremely rewarding experience. There is nothing quite like crafting a story with characters that seem to jump off of the page. Connecting with readers should always be a major...
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